Busan ~

mercoledì 23 gennaio 2013

True friends can live farway ~

This time I'm not talking about my Korean friends but about an Italian friend, Amity.
She's a really nice person, she tries always to make you smile, especially with her super funny posts and I'm so happy I could met her!

BigBang's pin <3

Actually we've never met face to face, she lives quite faraway from my home but we could grow our relationship thanks to the forum (Doramisti Anonimi) and fb ~
She's the owner of a beautiful, interesting and useful blog : Dreaming of Wonderland , in which she writes about her experience in Korea (last August and this winter she went there!). Click on the link and see her blog...NOW! <3

The lovely letter and T.O.P's phonecharming ~

She went this winter to Seoul, to see her boyfriend and brought with her a little present for her friends ~ I'm really touched by her thought, it's amazing when people think of you and make you a special person even if you've never met before!

감사언니! lol

3 commenti:

  1. E non hai messo: la sua pessima scrittura!!! Per fortuna che scrivo sul pc, se no tante volte non riuscirei a leggere ciò che scrivo! Del tipo: "chi non riesce a leggere la sua scrittura ... è un asino addirittura!" ... XD .... *O* Ma Hikari!!! Sei adorabile! Cosa carina fare un post nel tuo blog!!!! Saranghe!!!!!!!!! <3 Yeodeongsaeng!

    1. Ahahah Amity, non sei l'unica, pure io ho problemi a decifrare la mia, anzi, seri problemi o.o LOL
      Uhhhh Ti Sarango <3 eheh te l'avrò detto un milione di volte tra fb, whatsapp etc grazie per il pensiero :*
